I went to an adult store in Kobe today and they actually had a fair number of scat videos. But it was like $100 for a single two hour long video. Like, okay, I get it’s a specialty but even if I had a ton of money I don’t know if I could justify that purchase.

One more thing, messages are open now and will be as long as the blog is up. However, if something happens and you would like to contact me, please message me and I will give you my Kik info. That way I can still be reached regardless of what happens here.

Requiem for a community

With less than a week to go until the ban comes into force and not a peep from the higher ups at Tumblr after what was certainly a huge backlash, I’m going to assume the worst and say that it doesn’t look like NSFW tumblr can be saved. Apparently from what I’ve read the corporate overlords of Tumblr at Verizon had been planning this for months (if not years) now and the child porn thing just expedited everything. Verizon wants to eliminate porn blogs here because it can’t run ads and make money off of them. So, naturally, they’re going to completely sanitize Tumblr in the hopes they can line their pockets further with ad revenue. That being said, it’s doubtful they’ll backtrack on this decision.

Why you ask? Well since this blog may not be around much longer: capitalism. I usually stay away from politics here but every day it is just one story after another of greedy executives who will happily ruin the lives of others just to make a quick buck. That’s how the system works and you can’t decry this purge without acknowledging it is yet another symptom of an economic system which works for no one but the wealthy.

As for this blog? Still don’t know what I’m going to do. So far there doesn’t seem to be tumblr-like website where I can actually export stuff and post like I used to do. Part of me thinks that I should just move on. I had fun with this blog and I knew it couldn’t last forever. As much as I love all you guys who follow and send positivity, I just don’t know if it’s worth the trouble to start over elsewhere. Obviously if I do move I’ll post something here but right now there is just a slim to no probability that the NSFW community will be allowed to thrive here in the foreseeable future.

If I have time, I do want to see if I can make a folder with all my posts. However, I’m about to reach the winter break at my job and it’s pretty packed (not to mention winter travel plans). So, again, no guarantees but I’ll try. If anyone else wants to make a folder of all my posts here and share it, you are also welcome.

It’s okay to have faith Tumblr will reverse course and I encourage people to keep fighting. But I’m just not holding my breath anymore and don’t want to leave anything unsaid. So, whatever happens, I appreciate all of my followers and thank you.

Additionally, I realize some dunces and trolls will probably feel the need to respond to my political musings. Well here’s my reply to all of you: shove it up your ass. No one cares what you think and it’s truly sad that you choose to be angry and repressed instead of fighting injustice.

To end on a good note, thank you, again. Especially those of you who made it this far.